Caporini Home Inspection

Additional Information

Radon Testing

    We do not currently offer radon testing, however here is our perspective on the subject. We could very well go through the licensing/training process and buy all of the equipment to do the testing, then hand you test results, but not be able to help you with a mitigation system if the levels are too high. Instead of this, we work with a licensed radon mitigation company, who can come and do the testing (often on the same day as the inspection) and offer you a solution to the problem if needed. The cost is similar to what other inspectors offer testing for as an "add-on" to inspections. If you like to do things yourself and save a little money the Ohio Department of Health offers free radon test. There is also a link at the bottom of the page for more radon information.

Wood destroying insects

    What is wood destroying insect inspection? This is the process of looking for evidence, past and present, of any insect capable of damaging your home. Overseen by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the State of Ohio identifies 4 of these that must be reported; termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and powderpost beetles. Identifying the signs of these insects and having the ability to identify the type of insect, helps determine the risk they present to your home.

    We are currently pursuing proper licensing to be able to perform an offical WDI (wood destroying insect) report. We have been trained in every aspect of doing the inspections and are competent to do so, but are not able to do offical reports if required by your morgage company. If you would like a WDI inspection done for peace of mind and is not required by your morgage company than we can do that.